Postdocs' Vacation Time Overview Effective July 1, 2024


Vacation Time Overview

GW has undergone a significant transformation in our approach to annual time policies. Effective July 1, 2024, we will be departing from the "use it or lose it" concept. Our new vacation policy is closely aligned to the changes in staff policies going into effect July 1, 2024. In introducing this vacation time policy, GW is shifting to a maximum accrual limit structure.

Under the new policy, postdocs will continue to accrue time until they reach their maximum accrual limit. Accrual will cease once the maximum cap is reached. In cases where no vacation time is taken, this cap will be reached within 18 months.




Navigate the Changes




Vacation Policy

GW has re-envisioned our philosophy of time off. Effective July 1, 2024, “use it or lose it” will no longer apply.  Under this new vacation policy, postdocs that currently accrue and take time off under GW’s current Time Off Policy will no longer forfeit unused time that has been accrued. In introducing vacation time, GW is moving to a maximum accrual limit structure where postdocs will continue to accrue vacation time until they reach their accrual limit (based on years of service) and will stop accruing once the maximum accrual cap is reached (within 18 months, if no vacation time is taken).

Below is a comparison of the current policies to the new policies, effective July 1, 2024.

Postdoc Vacation Time Accruals

Maximum accrual limit structure: Time accrues until maximum accrual limit is reached and is not forfeited. Use of vacation time in advance of accrual is not allowed.

New Postdoc Policy Features for Postdocs with a start date prior to 1/1/2022:

Months of Service Monthly Accrual Rate (Hours) Vacation Time Days (Hours) Accrued per Fiscal Year Max. Vacation Time (Hours) Accrued
0 - 48 months 12 hours 18 days (144 hours) 27 days (216 hours)
48+ months 14 hours 21 days (168 hours) 31.5 days (252 hours)

New Postdoc Policy Features for Postdocs with a start date of 1/1/2022 or after:

Months of Service Monthly Accrual Rate (Hours) Vacation Time Days (Hours) Accrued per Fiscal Year Max. Vacation Time (Hours) Accrued
0 - 60 months 12 hours 18 days (144 hours) 27 days (216 hours)

Current Postdoc Policy Features

"Use it or lose it" structure: Excess balance over carryover limits (e.g. 40 hours FT, 20 for PT) is forfeited on 6/30. Unused carryover is forfeited 8/31. Years of Service Tiers: 0-4, 4-5. Annual time can be used in advance of accrual.

Postdocs with a start date prior to 1/1/2022:

Months of Service Monthly Accrual Rate (Hours) Annual Time Days (Hours) Accrued per Fiscal Year
0 - 48 months 12 hours 18 days (144 hours)
48+ months 14 hours

21 days (168 hours)

Postdocs with a start date of 1/1/2022 or after:

Will accrue at a monthly rate of 12 hours up to a maximum of 18 days (144 hours) of annual time per fiscal year regardless of GW service time.

For more information, see the Policy FAQs



Transition Plan

GW recognizes that change to a new vacation policy will require an adjustment period in moving to a maximum accrual limit structure. To ensure continued support for taking time off and to encourage continued vacation planning without interruption, GW will be providing transition time.

  • Who is eligible for transition time? Postdocs hired before July 1, 2024 are eligible for transition time.
  • When can transition time be used? Transition time will be available starting on July 1, 2024 for the first six months and may be used during the transition period (July 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024). Transition time can be used for the same reasons vacation time can be used.
  • How much transition time will I receive? The amount of transition time given will be 40 hours.
  • NEW! Do I need to use all accrued vacation time before transition time can be used? No, when requesting time off, transition time will be used before all accrued vacation time is applied.

We hope this additional transition time will ensure a smooth adjustment to the new policy and allow for vacation planning as vacation time is being accrued. 

Please note:  Transition time will only be available through December 31, 2024.

To illustrate, please review this transition time example: 

  • George has 50 hours of accrued but unused annual time on June 30, 2024.  All 50 hours will be carried forward and become his starting vacation time balance as of July 1, 2024. (No accrued time is forfeited.)
  • Because George is a GW postdoc hired prior to July 1, 2024, he also receives 40 hours of transition time.
  • George was appointed after 1/1/22, so he will accrue 12 hours at the end of each month. His maximum accrual under the new policy is 216 hours. This means that once he accrues 216 hours he will no longer accrue vacation time until he takes time off and records that time in the Time Reporting System.
  • George plans to take 6 days (i.e., 48 hours) of time off in July of 2024. 
Status  Month Transition
Time Balance
Time Balance
Total Time Off Balance
Balance as of June 30, 2024 June 0 hours 50 hours 50 hours 
Balance as of July 1, 2024 July 40 hours 50 hours 90 hours
Takes a 6 day (48 hr.) vacation in July. 
All 40 hours of transition time and 8 hours of vacation are used
July 0 hours 42 hours + 12 hours accrued 54 hours
No other vacation time is take in August. 
Balance as of end of August
August 0 hours 54 hours + 12 hours accrued 66 hours

For more information, see the Transition FAQs.



What's Staying the Same?

  • Paid Parental Leave
  • Bereavement
  • Jury Duty
  • Voting Time
  • Holidays

       Additional Online Resources

    To review the current time off guide and other information about time off and leave programs, please visit the Time Off and Leave page.




    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    With big change comes many questions. To better introduce GW’s new vacation policy, we have compiled FAQs and scenarios that take a deeper look at these changes and provide more detailed information on what these changes are, when they will take effect, and how they will impact you. 

    Policy Change

    Why is GW changing the current postdoc time off policy?

    The new vacation policy for postdocs is to reflect the changes happening in GW's staff policy but tailored for the postdoc population. These enhancements provide a more comprehensive and competitive time off program that can aid in attracting and retaining talent.  

    When is the new vacation time policy effective?

    The new vacation time policy is effective July 1, 2024. 

    What is a maximum accrual limit vacation policy?

    With a maximum accrual limit structure, vacation hours are accrued at a certain rate towards a certain limit. Vacation time will continue to accrue under this practice until a set cap (limit) is reached.

    What can vacation time be used for?

    Vacation time can be used for leisure time and to attend to personal matters. Whether it’s celebrating a birthday or anniversary, planning a vacation, observing a religious holiday or just needing some time to tackle home improvement projects, we encourage employees to take time away from work to support their life outside of work.

    Will I still have to request and obtain manager approval for using my vacation time?

    Yes, postdocs will still be required to submit vacation requests to their manager for approval before taking vacation time.

    Do I have to use all of my annual time by June 30, 2024?

    No, all accrued but unused annual time remaining on June 30, 2024 will become your new vacation time balance on July 1, 2024.

    Will I forfeit annual time on June 30, 2024?

    No, all accrued time over 40 hours will not be forfeited at the end of June.

    Does the annual time I carry forward from June 30, need to be used by August 31, 2024? 

    No, accrued time will not be forfeited at the end of August.

    How will I know how much time I will have for vacation when the new policy begins?  

    Your accrued (but unused) annual time balance on June 30, 2024 will be your new vacation balance on July 1, 2024. Plus, you will have access to transition time during the transition period through December 31, 2024. 

    I am at the maximum accrual. Can I get a payout so I can start accruing again?

    No, postdocs will stop accruing once their maximum accrual limit is reached. The only option for accruing or “accessing” more time is to take vacation time so the accrued balance falls below the cap so that accrual can occur again.

    How are the maximum accrual caps calculated?

    The maximum accruals are equal to 18 months times the accrual rate (e.g., 216 hours = 12 hours per month x 18 months).

    What happens if I take more annual time than I have accrued and I have a negative annual time balance on June 30, 2024? 

    If a postdoc has a negative annual time balance at the end of the fiscal year, they will be required to repay the time taken in excess of their accrual through a paycheck deduction (or via Payer Express if on unpaid leave at the end of the fiscal year). Postdocs in this situation will be notified in advance of any deductions (or receive Payer Express invoices) based on the current process under the annual time off policy. 

    Transition Time

    What is the transition plan?

    The transition plan will provide 40 hours of transition time (un-accrued time) for postdocs that can be used during the transition period (July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024).

    When is transition time available to use?

    Transition time can be used in the first six months during the transition period (July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.) 

    How do I use transition time?

    Transition time will be used in the first six months during the transition period, before all accrued and unused vacation time is used. 

    What if I have a pre-planned vacation but do not have enough vacation and/or transition time available?

    Postdocs can request unpaid time through their manager if the postdoc has no accrued vacation time or available transition time.

    Will the system know to deduct from my accrued vacation time balance first and then deduct from the transition time balance?

    When requesting time off, your transition time balance will be exhausted first before any accrued but unused vacation time is applied. This will ensure that postdocs are able to take time off during the summer of 2024 as the new vacation policy becomes effective July 1, 2024.

    New Hires/Position Changes

    I am a newly hired postdoc at GW, how does this policy affect me?

    New postdocs are required to complete a 90-day Introductory Employment Period (“IEP”). During the IEP, postdocs cannot take vacation time, but will be accruing time to be used after a successful completion of their IEP.

    Leaving GW

    What happens to accrued but unused vacation time upon separation from GW?

    All accrued and unused vacation time is paid out to a postdoc upon separation from the university.

    Does transition time get paid out upon separation from GW?

    No, transition time is not paid out upon separation from GW.

    If I separate, how much time will be paid out to me?

    All accrued (but unused) vacation time will be paid out upon separation. Transition time is not paid out. 

    Other Time Off and Leave

    I have been receiving GW paid short term disability benefits and have met my maximum accrual. Can I get an exception to the maximum accrual cap or be paid out some of my vacation time?

    No exceptions to policy will be granted if a postdoc reaches the maximum accrual. Payouts of accrued vacation time will only be processed at time of employment separation.

    Can I use my transition time on FMLA?

    Yes, postdocs on approved FMLA can use their transition time to remain in paid status (as well as use their accrued vacation and sick time).

    Are other paid time off programs changing?

    No, GW’s other paid time off programs such as sick time and holidays are not changing at this time. 



    Contact Us

     We Are Here to Help

    You can contact the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at [email protected], M - F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (ET) with questions regarding the new vacation time policy.