Traditional Publishing

Traditional Publishing and ProQuest ETDs

  • Only the bibliographic data, abstract (as entered in the ProQuest ETD Website) and a full-text, 24 page preview is available in the ProQuest database.
  • Your manuscript is available for purchase through ProQuest in electronic or print format.
  • Under this model, the author is entitled to payment of royalties according to the publishing agreement.
  • No publishing fees are charged when selecting the Traditional Publishing option.
  • NOTE: GW theses or dissertations will be published in GW ScholarSpace, GW's Institutional Repository, pending any embargo period you have requested.

The George Washington University is committed to making all web properties and web content accessible and usable for everyone, including people with disabilities, by employing principles of universal design and striving to conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA or better. Our commitment includes electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) that are published in GW's institutional repository, GW ScholarSpace. Please see Digital Accessibility for more information.

Publication Release Options: (choose one)

Immediate Release:

  • The bibliographic data and abstract (as entered in the ProQuest ETD Website) are displayed in the ProQuest database.
  • The bibliographic data, abstract, and full text are all accessible through the GW institutional repository.
  • Copies are available for purchase immediately upon publication.

Delayed Release (Embargoed):

  • Release of the document full text may be delayed for 6 months, 1 year or 2 years.
  • ​Only the bibliographic record and abstract (as entered in the ProQuest ETD Administrator) will be displayed in the ProQuest database and in the GW institutional repository during the embargoed period.
  • ​Authors will be provided a calculated release date in an email notification when their submission has been delivered to ProQuest and when it has been published.
  • The manuscript is not available for sale until after the embargo period expires.
  • The embargo period in the ProQuest database may be extended by contacting the ProQuest Dissertation Publishing Group in writing, including email.
  • To extend the embargo lift date in the GW institutional repository, authors should contact the Scholarly Communications Committee separately.

If you are unsure about placing an embargo on your thesis or dissertation, you may wish to seek guidance from your dissertation/thesis faculty advisor.

Search Engine Access: (choose one)

  • System Default is set to YES. This is an opt-out decision.
  • Select YES: Your work will be indexed in major search engines and unembargoed dissertations and theses will be discoverable and accessible through Google Scholar. Authenticated users will be directed to the full text in the ProQuest Dissertation & Theses database. If the work is embargoed, the work will not be available for indexing in Google Scholar until after the embargo release date. If you change your mind, email ProQuest Support to opt-out.
  • Select NO: Your work will be available for discovery only by users of the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. (NOTE: search engines may find access through other access points)


  • The author is eligible for payment of royalties according to the publishing agreement with ProQuest.
  • The author may restrict the sale of the manuscript by contacting ProQuest directly.